Sitemap - 2024 - Unexamined Technology
Microwave ovens were never as good as we told ourselves they were
Will technology give us the strong answers?
How and why to be learnedly ignorant towards technology
“Congratulations to whoever invents forests”
That which remains outside of technology
Technomoral virtues for a sustainable life
What would relational technology design look like?
What would immanent technology design look like?
What would transcendental technology design look like?
What would an awakened approach to technology design look like?
We create technologies to address our finitude
Reaching beyond technology-dominated world views: intuitions and practices
Examined readings on technology (and more): the shortcomings of ambition
Reaching beyond technology-dominated world views: intuitions and practices
Examined readings on technology (and more): from disenchantment to helpless growth
The two ’Is’ we need to include in the discussion about AI
Examined readings on technology: from awakened brains to ethics for engineering students
The two ’Is’ we need to include in the discussion about AI
Wanted: critical technical awakenings
The Monday edition: examined readings
Unexamined technology: How might we shift our attention towards technology into a moral act?